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Sou Tradutora (inglês/português) profissional, formada em Letras-Tradução pela Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi, atuando há mais de 20 anos no campo técnico e especialmente literário. Traduzi mais de 190 livros até o presente, entre romances, livros de negócios, de autoajuda, biografias, guias, trabalhando como freelancer para editoras renomadas. Também escrevo artigos, crônicas, textos em geral, e acabo de publicar o “Meu Próprio Livro”. I'm a professional Translator (English/Portuguese), with a Letters/Translation degree. I've been working for more than 20 years in the area, with technical and especially literary translation. I’ve translated more than 190 books up to now, among novels, business books, biographies, self-help books, guides, working as a freelancer for renowned publishers. I also write articles, chronicles, general texts, and I’ve just published my own book, called “Meu Próprio Livro”.

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Onde quer que você esteja, sinta-se em casa aqui!
Wherever you are, feel at home here.
Donde quiera que estés, te sientas en casa acá.

São inúmeros aqueles que não são mais escritores aprendizes, mas todos somos aprendizes de escritores para sempre...
There are countless ones who are no longer apprentice writers, but we are all writers' apprentices forever...

domingo, 16 de março de 2014

Reading as a Means of Social Contact

     Reading mustn’t be faced as a form of refuge in the sense of absolute escape from reality, as it happens in some cases. It’s naturally delightful to plunge into a universe of fantasy for some time, but it’s also essential for us to be aware of the real world and interact with it. Reading, which not only serves for entertainment but also for information, may be a way of encountering ourselves, but it also prepares us for encounters with other people, for a satisfying, healthful interaction with them.
     Through the several kinds of reading material available, we improve our knowledge, and we learn more and more things to share with others. Reading can be a pleasant retreat, where we go to when we want to entertain ourselves, but it mustn’t be a too much introspective thing, that could end up depriving us of other people’s company and making us withdraw from other activities.
     It’s very good and useful to read alone, but it’s also great when we read with others, specially when we read for children. To read for children is one of the most gratifying experiences in life, a mutual benefit, because we not only unveil a new world for them through the books, but we also enjoy moments of cheerful human contact, and strengthen bonds.
    You can create an amusing Book Club with friends and/or take part of the existing groups of this kind in the social networks. You will be able to exchange ideas about several subjects that you’ve been reading about, or to talk face to face with interesting people about a book that has captivated you. Reading is great to bring people together.
     The possibilities to expand and enrich your social contact through reading are comprehensive and you can’t miss the chance to reap the fruit it can bear.

Tradução do artigo: Leitura Como Meio de Convívio Social

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